Pine Cone Coffee has been created out of a passion and interest in coffee. We strive to tell the story of coffee from its origin.
Our coffee is roasted in a style to allow the coffee to express itself through its individual flavour profile and differentiate itself from other beans and origins. Small batch roasting allows us to ensure high quality, optimal freshness, and frequent rotation of the coffee to allow for the best experience for our customers.
PCC is committed to developing community, collaboration with like-minded businesses, and excellent coffee. Join us on Instagram to tell the story with us!
When buying coffee at Pine Cone Coffee, we carefully select with two factors in mind, quality and equality. There are many people involved in the many stages of the coffee chain, and for us, it is imperative that equality is at the core.
Our planet and its beauty can often be taken for granted. We carefully consider the environmental impact here at PCC when sourcing, packaging, roasting and retailing. This is why we offer refillable drums as well as bags. It is our way of attempting to eliminate single use packaging.